Monday, February 18, 2008

I have so much to do!

At the suggestion of a former colleague, I looked over a financial management approach by a popular author and radio show host. I had heard of this guy and his system of taking control of one's finances before, and even know a couple families who use this approach with great success. SO...once the baby is fed and the girls are bathed (and my darling husband decides to officially wake up for the day), I'm off to the library to see if I can check out the recommended book. If it's not available, I guess I'll use one of the many gift cards I've accumulated over the last couple holidays (thanks to my students) for one of the big-name book stores. I just received a "40% off one book" email from one store, so I should be able to get this book for just a few dollars on a gift card.

In addition, I have this overwhelming urge to clean house in the literal sense as well as metaphorically. I came across this fantastic website recently, and can't wait to put some of the suggestions into practice. I love this website's humor and positive attitude! I find myself giggling every time I read it.

Well, cleaning up my finances and decluttering my I said, so much to do!

1 comment:

Joannah said...

I think you'll like Dave Ramsey's book! He is a Christian and he does include that perspective in the book. But even if one isn't coming at this from a spiritual perspective, I think his strategies will work for anybody.

I like that housecleaning blog. What a hoot!

Have a great day!